

Immediate person-to-person payments

RPP (the Rapid Payments Programme, also known as 'PayShap') refers to credit push payments that enable an individual to make an immediate electronic payment to an account held at another financial institution. The payment is processed and cleared in real- or near-real-time.

RPP transactions can be account-based (referred to as 'pay by account'), or the payer may initiate the payment by entering a proxy value such as the beneficiary’s mobile phone number that is linked to the beneficiary's account (referred to as 'pay by proxy'). A PayShap proxy is also known as a 'ShapID'.

All PayShap transactions are processed by BankservAfrica who acts as the payment clearing house and affects the settlement for these transactions between the relevant banks' accounts at the Reserve Bank.

Use cases built on next-generation technology

Electrum’s Solution

How Electrum solves for PayShap

Electrum's RPP services enable a participant to process RPP transactions via BankservAfrica with all other industry participants. The services allow for receiving inbound payments from other participants, and for sending outbound payments to accounts held at other institutions.

Rapid time to value

Realise rapid time to value with seamless integrations that allow safe adoption

Meet consumer demands

Meet consumer demands for fast, innovative payment solutions


Overlays for proxy, QR and RTP management provides you with a turnkey solution

Electrum’s Solution

Seamlessly integrate PayShap into your existing infrastructure

Outbound processing

Orchestrates outgoing proxy resolution, clearing, and request-to-pay

Validates industry rules

Facilitates request-to-pay lifecycle management and validation for request-to-pay

Inbound processing

Orchestrates inbound proxy resolution, clearing, and request-to-pay

Facilitates account mirroring for proxy resolution and account validation

Validates industry rules

Facilitates request-to-pay lifecycle management and validation for request-to-pay

Trusted Implementation

Existing integration with BankservAfrica

Electrum’s solution comes standard with a single, simplified integration into all payment schemes, allowing you to adopt new services and quickly cater to your customer’s demands. Electrum’s proven integration with BankservAfrica provides access to all NPS-regulated transaction processing.

Electrum’s Solution

Overlay services to bolster your offering

Choose from Electrum’s overlay services, including fraud and risk management services, QR code management, and cash voucher issuing and management.

These are designed to help you meet consumer demands for fast, innovative payment solutions and become an industry leader in the changing ecosystem.

Future Proofing

Keep up with the latest trends

Built with the agility to support new and emerging transaction types, specifically when it comes to handling high-volume, low-value transactions.
Don't let your existing system hold you back!