Cloud-Native Software

Next-Generation Technology
for Future-Fit Payments

Embracing the power of cloud-native software

In today’s digitised age, banking clients demand cutting edge services while transactions are growing in volume. Cloud-based software built on modern standards offer banks the flexibility required to take advantage of new opportunities. These modernised solutions provide agility and flexibility with always-on reliability and the ability to scale on demand.

Fintechs and neobanks are enabled by new technologies and regulatory frameworks that broaden the payments ecosystem, allowing these businesses to run faster, more efficiently, and with more agility. Banks can leverage these technologies to provide modernised payments capabilities.

Embracing the power of cloud-native software

Speed and agility

Reduced payments processing complexity


Aspects of my bank

What it means for my business


First to market, adapts with customer demands, focussed on innovation

Application processing

Reduced complexity and enhanced agility with open connectivity

IT Infrastructure

On demand scalability and always-on reliability

How we arrived at 4th Generation technology

Generation 1: Mainframe

Extreme reliability but no flexibility
  • Banking systems originated with mainframe core banking.
  • When payments became electronic, these capabilities were built onto the mainframe.
  • Additions had to be built directly onto core banking software.

Generation 2: On-premise

Reliable with increasing complexity
  • Software vendors introduced specialised payments systems; deployed on premise onto dedicated servers.
  • As complexity in the data centre increases, so does risk.
  • Disaster recovery becomes more complicated and larger teams are required to run the centres.
  • Challenges are often unique to each bank’s unique architecture.

Generation 3: Cloud-enabled

Extreme reliability but no flexibility
  • Banks begin to lift and shift on-premise systems to the cloud.
  • Cloud platforms are resilient and scale effectively.
  • The challenge of disaster recovery is mitigated.
  • Connectivity remains a challenge as legacy integration patterns remain.
  • Complex vendor dependencies remain.

Generation 4: Cloud-native

Complexity removed, and open connectivity becomes a reality
  • Cloud-native software benefits from the latest technology innovations.
  • Integrations leverage future fit standards such as open API specifications.
  • Banks partner with payments technology vendors to implement cloud-native solutions that allow the banks to focus on product differentiators.

Electrum’s 4th Generation Payments Engine

Electrum P4 enables you to get to market fast with a solution you can trust

Electrum’s solution has been designed from the ground up to be cloud-native, taking advantage of the robust, scalable, and secure infrastructure offered by modern cloud computing.

We are excited about next-generation technology and ready to embrace the changes that the future will bring.

We let your business focus on the things that are core to you by forming a partnership to manage services that we specialise in.

We are committed to cloud-native solutions.

Cloud-native technology

AWS, Active-active, Containerised

  • Fully-segregated AWS account per client

  • Multi-AZ, active-active processing

  • Containerisation for service isolation

Open API, Internet

  • API gateway-ready service interface contracts

  • ISO20022 semantics

  • mTLS, VPC peering, PrivateLink, Direct Connect

  • OAuth, JWS/JWT authentication

Real-time Processing

  • Proven high-volume processing

  • Message flows, orchestration and SLA management

  • Real-time eventing

Real-time Observability

  • Real-time, always-on tracking & tracing

  • Operational monitoring dashboards

  • Integration into bank monitoring & alerting stacks

Future Proofing

Keep up with the latest trends

Built with the agility to support new and emerging transaction types, specifically when it comes to handling high-volume, low-value transactions.
Don't let your existing system hold you back!